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: 관리자 : Thu, 19 September 2024, 11:56 AM

K-GEO Festa 2024 Media Partner - Geospatial World

New Geospatial World Logo-01.jpg

Geospatial World is a socially-driven geospatial knowledge company, pursuing its mission of ‘Advancing Knowledge for Sustainability’ through evangelism, advocacy, and facilitation of Geospatial and Space technology adoption across various mainstream industries through its Media, Events and Consulting platforms. 


Making a Difference through Geospatial Knowledge and Space Infrastructure in World Economy and Society.

Our Mission

Advancing Knowledge for Sustainability​


Evangelism, Advocacy, Facilitation, and Amplification of adoption of space and geospatial technology across mainstream industries, and thereby improving Productivity, Efficiency, Transparency, and Compliance, and contributing to ‘Sustainability of Everything’ at national, regional, and global levels.


Web site: https://www.geospatialworld.net/ 

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